Bilingual Storytime in Amery

Many thanks to Tricia Wehrenberg for this inspiring guest post about going outside her comfort zone to provide excellent service.  Way to go!Recently, the Amery Area Public Library was approached by the United Migrant Opportunity Services (UMOS) to do a storytime...

Autism Welcome Here Grants Available

Announcing a NEW library grant opportunity!AUTISM WELCOME HERE: Library Programs, Services and More are now being accepted online. Submission deadline is December 1, 2015.  For more information and details about...

Word Group Game in Pepin

Thanks to Christy in Pepin for this blog post!What do you do with those flimsy DVD cases that we are not to circulate?  Do they just pile up in a store room or cabinet?  What about the discs from movies or books that are not salvageable or no longer...

Media Mentor Twitter Chat

Photo credit:  Sharon & Nikki McCutcheonJoin ALSC members and anyone interested in participating in a monthly Twitter chat. On Thursday, August 13, 2015 at 8 pm Central, ALSC will be hosting a one-hour chat on the topic of media mentorship. What are you doing...