Free Webinar on Early Readers

We’ve been talking a lot about pre-readers in the past few years, but what happens once kids enter school?  There’s an upcoming free webinar from the Multnomah County Library (Portland, OR) about supporting emerging and early readers (K-3rd graders)...

Thirty Million Word Initiative

Probably lots of turn-taking, tuning in, and talking happening during this Lego play session at the LEPMPL libraryThe University of Chicago Medical School is working with families to help them learn ways to talk with their kids that will help close the often-cited 30...

Pepin Public Library Children’s Room

Over the course of the past few years, Christy from Pepin has been participating in grant projects, attending workshops and webinars, and generally paying attention to early literacy information.  This year, the children’s area underwent a bit of...

Author award speeches online

If you are a fan of book creators, which most book people are, you might find it thrilling to read the inspiring and important words of authors and illustrators who have won important, national awards.  The Association for Library Service to Children has posted the...

Media Mentor Learning Opportunities!

I urge you to take advantage of 4 opportunities for learning more about becoming Media Mentors to the families and caregivers in your community! White Paper coverThe Association for Library Service to Children (ALSC),  a division of the American Library...

Presenter Rave–Survival!

Learning to signal for help by catching light on a reflective surfaceThanks to Alisha from LEPMPL in Eau Claire for this guest post:When planning for my summer demonstration programs I wanted to find something new and different than what I’ve ever had before.  I...