Back to the Blog, plus Project READY opportunity
Leah Langby
June 20, 2024
Keeping Up With Kids

It has been more than a minute since I committed to posting regularly, or at least semi-regularly, on this blog.  Sometime during the pandemic, I let it go.  Now, as I try to navigate all the giant rivers of information and ideas that are rushing towards me and figure out how best to curate it in manageable bites for the people who are out there providing services to kids, teens, families, and community partners, I’m thinking that going back to the blog is maybe my best bet.  I don’t want to miss my chance to share out some of the information, and I also don’t want to make things overwhelming.  Let’s hope this method works better.  I’m very interested in your feedback!

Today’s tidbit:  Colorado Libraries for Early Literacy (CLEL) is open to people outside of Colorado.  You may remember them from the CLEL Bell Book Awards for books that promote the five early literacy practices (Talk, Sing, Read, Write, Play).  Anyone can become a member of CLEL, and it is free!

These wonderful folks at CLEL have created an opportunity to join in a Project READY Minicourse, designed specifically for busy public library staff who focus on early childhood work.  A task force of youth librarians went through all the content with a fine-toothed comb and refined the amount of content significantly, to make working through and completing the minicourse attainable for library staff who are committed to equity work but who do not have the capacity to commit to the full Project READY curriculum.   If all goes to plan, they will be creating cohorts of 5-8 people to dig into the content together.  Participants can expect to spend approximately 2 hours a week, including individual work and group meetings,  from September through March, with a break during the month of December.

Interested in participating? Please fill out this interest form indicating your preferences. Please note that this interest form is NOT a commitment to participate, but will help them plan cohort offerings. Be sure to become a member of CLEL before you sign up!

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