2/21/2025 - MORE Catalog search problem There's a problem with some searches not returning expected results in the main MORE Catalog and app. I'll post an update here when available.
It has been more than a minute since I committed to posting regularly, or at least semi-regularly, on this blog. Sometime during the pandemic, I let it go. Now, as I try to navigate all the giant rivers of information and ideas that are rushing towards me and figure...
Read Across America Day is coming up, and many of you have fun activities planned for your communities, encouraging family reading and celebrating the fun of literature. Since this celebration of reading happens on March 2, which is the birthday of Dr....
We already have a lot of Jbrary fans here in IFLS-land–I know a lot of people who rely on Dana and Lindsey for friendly demos of rhymes and songs that are great for storytime. They also have a blog full of thoughtful and thought-provoking ideas and...
Well, data is in that shows Wisconsin is still not doing so great in terms of making sure the children in our state have a fair shake at life–particularly children who are not white. The 2017 Race for Results report from the Annie E. Casey Foundation has...
As news of police shootings of African American men proliferate, and at the shootings in Dallas of police officers, my heart is heavy. I’ve been trying unsuccessfully to write a blog post about it for several days. I have some things to say about it related to...
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