Family Engagement Webinar Coming Up
Leah Langby
January 15, 2018
Keeping Up With Kids

Last spring, I posted a few times about the great new resource from the Public Library Association and the Global Family Research Project–a tool kit and a call to action for libraries to engage with families.  There are some really terrific and practical ideas in this tool kit for making libraries more relevant and responsive to the needs of families.  If you haven’t done so, check out the resource, Public Libraries, a Vital Space for Family Engagement.  You won’t regret it!

I’m so excited to report that we will have two authors of that resource as part of the Wild Wisconsin Winter Webinar Conference!  Margaret Caspe and Elena Lopez will join us (from opposite coasts!) to talk about the importance of family engagement and introducing some important things to consider when doing it, as well as highlighting some libraries right here in Wisconsin who are doing it.  Join us on Thursday January 25 at 2:30 Central Time for this practical webinar!  Register here.

There are 19 AMAZING webinars this year as part of the Wild Wisconsin Winter Webinar Conference.  The conference is sponsored by all 16 library systems in Wisconsin, as well as the DPI.  All sessions will be recorded, and all are free to access! 

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