2/21/2025 - MORE Catalog search problem There's a problem with some searches not returning expected results in the main MORE Catalog and app. I'll post an update here when available.
Last week I got a few reminders about the importance and delight of engaging with and supporting families with young children for a multitude of reasons, including that it is a great way promote early literacy practices and social-emotional learning and...
Last week I was able to attend the Re-Imagining School Readiness workshop in Marshfield. The workshop, sponsored by DPI and funded by a grant from the Institute for Museum and Library Services, was one of the most useful workshops I’ve attended! The presenter,...
Image from PixabayThe Global Family Research Group, the group that created the excellent resource Public Libraries: A Vital Space for Family Engagement, have a new resource: Public Libraries Engage Families in STEM. They talk about the way...
Last spring, I posted a few times about the great new resource from the Public Library Association and the Global Family Research Project–a tool kit and a call to action for libraries to engage with families. There are some really terrific and practical...
Well, data is in that shows Wisconsin is still not doing so great in terms of making sure the children in our state have a fair shake at life–particularly children who are not white. The 2017 Race for Results report from the Annie E. Casey Foundation has...