Fine Motor Skills

Young kids need opportunities to develop their fine motor skills.  Many of you incorporate letting kids develop those skills at storytime with art project–kids practice cutting, drawing, painting, picking up small objects, etc.  I found a fun post at...

Great Recordings for Storytime

Ann Clark at So Tomorrow has a terrific blog post about some of her favorite music to use in a storytime for kids.  It not only enriches storytime, it allows caregivers and kids to learn about some great new music to take home with them.  Check out the...

Storytime Bonanza Follow-Up

I can’t believe I forgot to take photos at the Storytime Bonanza Workshop!  I find I’m always too interested in what is going on to take time to remember things like taking pictures–especially when we have such great presenters as all those IFLS...

Morale Boost

File This Under The Value of Storytime, from Becky Arenivar, Programming Specialist at the Prescott Public Library:Last week a local mom stopped into the library just to tell us that her 3rd grade son had won the elementary school Spelling Bee (beating 4th and 5th...