I recently got a question from a librarian who had weeded a lot of Thanksgiving books that perpetuate myths about Thanksgiving that are both historically inaccurate and promote harmful ideas about the Indigenous people already here when the colonists celebrated their first Thanksgiving.  She was looking for books to fill the noticeable gap in her collection after removing these titles.

I went on a search and found a few things that might be of interest to others, as well.  The first is a 2022 ALSC Blog Post Thanksgiving Books Without the Myth, which includes reference to all of the titles (plus a few more) that I found when I did a CCBC Recommended Book Search.  I also remembered a recent starred review from School Library Journal:  Hulse, Patrick.  At Our Table.  Illus by Madelyn Goodnight.  Little, Brown, $18.99 (9780-316-537-056), illustrated by a Chicksaw illustrator.

The topic of Thanksgiving will probably be very popular in the upcoming six weeks.  Take a peek and make sure you have some of the titles recommended in the ALSC blog.  If you aren’t sure what all this is about you can check out this 2019 article from the Smithsonian Magazine.